Memories of Easter--Patent Leather Shoes, Fancy Dresses and the Family Meal


Most childhood memories of Easter are filled with coloring hardboiled eggs (that nobody ever ate!), chocolate bunnies and of course the iconic candy of the 1960’s, marshmallow Peeps.   

My Easter memories are centered around going to the local department store with my mom.  Every Spring my mom would take me to the neighborhood department store to buy my yearly pair of “dress up” shoes, white or black patent leather Mary Janes.  I also got to pick out a new fancy dress that would be my go-to selection for all family special events (Sunday church service, weddings, funerals, family birthday dinners, etc.)  Still today, I have an urge to visit the shoe department of Nordstrom when I see the tulips bloom in my garden!  Obviously all those events had a wonderful meal attached to them and Easter was no different.   

Easter is a very important holiday in Italy and its citizens celebrate with worship, family, and of course, amazing seasonal food.  Spring brings some delicious ingredients to the table, and in Tuscany the most important is succulent lamb.  Other offerings include fresh peas, fava beans and herbs that have started to push their little heads through the hard winter ground like mint and young garlic.   I attached a simple recipe for roast lamb for you to try with your family this Easter.  

I’m off to my local shoe store to see if they make black patent leather Mary Janes in a size 10!